

The Loiterers Resistance Movement

February 2025 First Sunday: Trying Again

Dear friends

It’s First Sunday, This Sunday and I am delighted; I really missed folk last month, although huge thanks to those who joined via whatsapp 

I propose we start the year again and do something I think unprecedented: Same time, same place, just a month later (and some new prompts)

So: hope to see you Sunday 2nd February 2pm outside the Corn Exchange in Manchester.

We’ll start at the main entrance on Exchange Square. If we haven’t met before I’m short, with pink hair. From there our expedition will be guided collectively, with the pace and direction determined by us all. After a couple of hours we will find somewhere to gather for a brew, and a blether, and maybe some setting of intentions for future wanders.

There have been requests for an evening loiter too, and I suggest we could do this in February too, we can discuss this on Sunday and I will confirm details next week

If you have any queries about access, or any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to get in touch by posting on our facebook group "the loiterers resistance movement", emailing or texting/whatsapping 07974929589

with love and golden apples


January 2025 First Sunday: not in person

Dear friends and comrades in loitering

With a heavy heart and much regret I’m cancelling today’s in person meet-up. I’m heeding travel warnings and also looking out of the window with some alarm and I simply don’t want to put anyone (including me) at risk. I think this is only the second time, outside of pandemic restrictions, this has happened and I hope you understand
I have set up a whatsapp group for remote participation, and I’m sharing the instructions here so anyone who wants to play with them is welcome to. You can join the whatsapp group by sending a message with your name and location to 07974929589

Here’s what we would be doing (why do I suddenly think of speedboats?!) and what I shall do at 2pm with the whatsapp group

It’s a new years treasure hunt, just in time for epiphany. 
You can do this wherever you are, inside or out, and the duration can be from 3 minutes to infinity: please make of it as you wish

Search for the following, interpret how you wish and document (or don’t) in any way you fancy. If you do take photos / write words / make recordings, pictures, dances, poems, collages or anything else we would love you to share them. Please share to whatsapp or facebook or x (@thelrm) or email
Wild Music
Futuristic Smells
Star Children
Better Times
Street Poetry

If you aren’t sure where to look or which way to go take a deep breath, pause for a moment, and head towards something that sparkles.
Please look after yourself, each other and wherever you are. I hope to see you soon, till then take care

Love and frozen golden apples

Morag xx

January 2025 First Sunday

UPDATE on Sundays wander:

The weather forecast is pretty grim at the moment, and various local routes are closed due to flooding or snow. Hopefully this will be cleared by Sunday, and I will do everything I can to be there 2pm at the Corn Exchange. However, please note:
  • I will confirm Sunday morning by 11am, if I cant access this page (tech issues on my phone) please text 07974929589 or email or check our facebook group "the loiterers resistance movement" or x @thelrm for confirmation
  • I will set up a Whatsapp group for anyone who wants to join remotely - if you want to be part of this prompt, photo and wander sharing please send a message to 07974929589 by 11am Sunday and I will add you (please include your name and location in that message)
  • If anyone else nearer the town centre would like to co-host on Sunday that would be brilliant and mean there is definitley someone else there on time in case I have transport issues (I don't drive, and snow/ice is a challenge for me due to disability) - please contact me via the above methods if you can do this
Thanks all - hopefully see you Sunday, 2pm at the Corn Exchange. In the meantime, please keep warm and care-full
Its First Sunday This Sunday, and the first of a new year too
My heartfelt thanks as ever to all who loitered with us in 2024, whether on a First Sunday, online or during some other shenanigans. Here’s to more wonderful wanders in 2025. As ever, all are welcome and its always free because we believe these streets belong to everyone.
Find us at 2.00pm on Sunday 5th January 2025 outside the Corn Exchange in Manchester – we’ll start at the main entrance on Exchange Square. If we haven’t met before I’m short, with pink hair. From there our expedition will be guided collectively, with the pace and direction determined by us all. After a couple of hours we will find somewhere to gather for a brew, and a blether, and maybe some setting of intentions for future wanders.
If you have any queries about access, or any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to get in touch by posting on our facebook group "the loiterers resistance movement", emailing or texting/whatsapping 07974929589
I hope to see you on the streets soon

With love and golden apples

Morag xx

December 2024: A Creative Wander and Irwell events

Dear friends, comrades, lovers and loiterers 

It’s First Sunday, This Sunday and, somewhat discombobulatingly the last First Sunday of the year. How the devil did that happen?

Join us to ponder time flying, cities dreaming, buddleia conspiring and doubtless much else.

Meet 2pm this Sunday outside Manchester Craft and Design Centre, Oak St M4 5JD.

I don’t know exactly where we will go, but as ever our wanders wind collectively, with the pace and direction set according to our desires on the day. The only rules are take care of each other and the places we explore. And don’t be an arse.

All welcome, and free of course because these streets belong to everyone. Or they should do.

For more information please email or text/whatsapp 07974929589

My heartfelt thanks, as ever, for all who walk with The LRM in person, through cyberspace and beyond

Love and golden apples

Morag xx

PS here's news from friends at Our Irwell, including some walks - they aren’t psychogeographical but they are illuminating and you will get to ramble with good folk by our beautiful river.

Our Irwell Salford Wetlands Circular Walk with The Ramblers 
Sunday 8th December, 11am Outside Salford Crescent Station

Estimated finish time is 1.30 back at Salford Crescent station.This has been categorised as an easy walk, distance 8km, with a 25m ascent. It is mostly on riverside walkways, please note that these may be slippery or unsurfaced in places. This is a short Sunday morning walk using paths that follow the river as closely as possible without too much deviation or repetition. The route visits Peel Park, Kersal Wetlands and Salford University
For more information please visit
Details are also shared on facebook and meetup here:
Huge thanks to walk leader Andy for organising this walk, all our welcome and I hope lots of Our Irwell can go and enjoy this river walk.
Lightwaves, Salford Quays.
Thursday 5th December 7pm

Our Irwell will also visit The Lightwaves Festival at Salford Quays for an informal wander around the installations and a social beverage afterwards
Meet us 7pm outside the entrance to The Lowry (if we haven’t met before I am short with pink hair and, if its cold, a stripey hat)
Pomona Campaign
There’s been a lot of love shown towards Pomona, but we still really need evidence for our campaign to retain a public route across the island. If you can fill out an evidence statement that would be brilliant, email for a copy. Crucially we are also looking for evidence of use of, and love for, Pomona in other ways so if you have any memories, films, photos, anecdotes, historical documents or anything else we can add to our portfolio of evidence (regardless of whether or not you want to fill out forms) please do share. If it would be useful to chat or you need more information don't hesitate to get in touch

Future Meetings and Contacts
The next Our Irwell meeting will be our AGM in January, details to be confirmed early new year. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any comments, questions, ideas for future events or emerging issues around Our Irwell, you can email, visit our facebook group “OurIrwell” and our Instagram. You can also text/whatsapp/ join our whatsapp chat on 07974929589. We would also love to see any pictures or hear any stories collected on your Irwell wanders

Very best wishes and, as ever, heartfelt thanks for all your support of Our Irwell and our aims to Protect, Progress and Promote access to Our Irwell.

November 2024 a Withy Walls Wander

Dear friends, psychogeographers and comrades in loitering

Its First Sunday, this Sunday and time for a wander, but in the meantime Merry Gothmas, Samhain Greetings and Happy Hallowe’en to those of you who celebrate one of my favourite dates in whatever way you will

Novembers derive has a guest facilitating our curious, convivial and communal travels. Thanks to Lydia for hosting a “Withy Walls Wander.”  I don’t know quite what we will discover but she has shared some of the themes we will be exploring… “the writing on the wall; murals and graffiti; flyposting and stickers versus paid advertising; small details and the bigger picture; community activism or gentrification; moss, lichen and weeds; intended interventions and accidental juxtapositions.” Many of these resonate across time and place and I have no doubt this will be a loiter to treasure.

We will meet Lydia 2pm on Sunday 3rd November outside Withington Library, 410 Wilmslow Road M20 3BD. There are lots of buses that stop nearby, but Lydia points out Withington Tram stop isn’t - it's 1.2 miles away. Please try to be punctual as I don’t know which direction we will head in.

As ever with LRM events all are welcome to join us and its free. The direction and pace of the walk will be determined collectively by whoever turns up – we are The LRM. After around 90-120 minutes we will retire somewhere for a brew and blether. Our only rules are to take care of each other and the environment we walk through, and to not be an arse.

If you have any questions or want more information or have ideas for future First Sundays please don’t hesitate to get in touch: email text/whatsapp 07974929589 x @thelrm or facebook “the loiterers resistance movement”.

I hope to see you on the streets soon

Love and golden apples

Morag x

October 2024 First Sunday

Dear friends and loiterers

It’s First Sunday, this Sunday and I’m delighted that loiterer and surrealist of distinction Peter Overton is facilitating what promises to be a wonderful wander

Meet 2pm Sunday October 6th outside Manchester Central Library.

That’s all I know of Peter’s plans but I have no doubt it will be a convivial, curious and captivating drift together.

As ever LRM events are free and open to all. We simply ask you take care of yourself, each other and places we walk through together. For more information please text or whatsapp 07974929589 or email mlrose@thelrm I’m so sorry I wont be there in person but I really look forward to field reports,

We also have a couple of updates from our kindreds at Our Irwell who are working to protect, progress and promote access to our rivers

Their latest campaign is for a right of way across Pomona, and they are asking anyone who has used Pomona over the years to tell them about it. They are having a zoom meeting on Wednesday October 30th, 7-8pm to update you on progress and to answer questions and support anyone who needs help with their evidence form:

They are also hosting a workshop to comment on, and contribute to, plans for an Irwell River Park on Wednesday, 23 October 2024 6:00pm – 8:00 pm atSEESAW, 86 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6NG. Further information can be found here: Further email

I hope to see you on the streets soon. In the meantime huge thanks to Peter, and if you have an idea for a future First Sunday don’t hesitate to get in touch
Facebook “the loiterers resistance movement”
X / twitter @thelrm
Text / whatsapp / signal 07974929589

With love and autumnal golden apples
Morag xx

September and October 2024 First Sunday

Dear Loiterers 

Its First Sunday, this Sunday – and blimey, its September already!

We will meet for a wander at 2pm this Sunday 1st September outside Whitworth Art Gallery. It’s somewhat ridiculous but we have never actually started there before – our city is always full of places to loiter, and suggestions are always very welcome. This months launch pad is inspired by Dale.

As ever all our welcome, with the direction and pace of the derive being set by participants. After 1.5/2 hours we will find somewhere convivial to stop for a beverage and blether. The only rules as ever are take care of yourself, each other and the places we explore, and don’t be an arse. If you have any access issues, or questions or comments before Sunday please do get in touch. You can email, comment on our facebook page “the loiterers resistance movement” or @thelrm on X. We’ve also got whatsapp, signal and text on 07974929589

October will see one of our occasional timeslip Sundays when we will meet instead on a weekday evening, if anyone has a strong preference for Tuesday 1st or Wednesday 2nds please let me know, likewise if you fancy organising something for the actual Sunday.

Finally, if you have ever walked or cycled on Pomona Island please contact Our Irwell ( They are collecting evidence to try and win a right of access across Pomona, and I know this is a place dear to many of us, see my previous posts or  Our Irwell for more details. Many thanks if you can help.

With love and golden apples
Morag x

August 2024 First Sunday

Dear friends, comrades and loiterers

It’s First Sunday this Sunday and so please come and join us for a Summertime loiter.

Our manifesto states “the streets belong to everyone and we want to reclaim them for play and revolutionary fun” and right now that feels more important that ever.
The challenge a loiterer set us was to think about change so we’ll be returning to the scene of previous explorations to see what has been going on....
Find us 2pm at Cutting Room Square in Ancoats on Sunday August 4th.

For those who wish to join us for the first time or just fancy a refresher here's some more information about how we walk together:

Our wanders are always free and everyone is welcome.

The pace and direction is set by participants on the day according to their needs and desires. We move through the city together so please come prepared to navigate the urban environment. Don’t forget sunscreen / water / woollies / whatever you feel are comfy shoes (delete as appropriate to you)

This is NOT a guided tour but a psychogeographical exploration and experiment in creative walking and a critical conversation with our streets alongside interesting folk (but if you do want a critical tour there's a list of possibilities here and if there is enough interest we can sort:

Please try to be punctual as we dont know where we will go and once drifting messages might get missed. I'm short with bright pink hair if you need to try and find us.

The golden (only) rule is take care of yourself, each other and all we share the streets with – and don’t be an arse.

We will walk for around 90 – 120 minutes and finish somewhere where we can have a brew and a blether sharing travellers tales.

If you have any questions, specific access requirements or need more information please do get in touch:
X @thelrm
our facebook group "the loiterers resistance movement."
SMS/Whatsapp/call 07974929589

With love and golden apples
Morag xx

PS Our friends Our Irwell are meeting 6pm, Tuesday 13th August, at the Castlefield Viaduct. Amongst other things they will be sharing details of their campaign for access to Pomona so please do go along and show support if you can email OurIrwell@gmail.comand become a member or join their mailing list here:

July 2024 First Sunday

Dear friends, loiterers and lovers of drifting

It’s First Sunday, this Sunday and time for change….

I’m delighted we have a guest loiterer facilitating our wanders this month. I met Bella through the excellent Narrow Margins project ( and by happy coincidence she’s visiting Manchester this week. Here’s what she has to say about her plans….

Hi LRM folks,
I research trespass in my job and practice mental sketch mapping, a form of critical/creative cartography. In both I aim to unlearn property logics. This is needed in order to build property and memory cultures that are engaged with ongoing dispossession in Britain, whilst remaining in conversation with settler colonial and imperial projects the British state has conducted elsewhere.
To this end I have been mapping trespass and access signs everywhere I walk. This Sunday I invite you to join me in mapping signs in Manchester. This will be followed by a mental sketch mapping exercise (I'll lead you through what this means when I facilitate) — please bring plain paper / plain notebooks and a pencil/pen for this. Very much looking forward to being part of the LRM for a day!
Thanks, Bella

Please join us 2pm at the No Loitering Sign opposite the Salisbury Pub on James Leigh Street (its just off Oxford Road behind Grand Central, near the steps up to the railway station). We don’t know where the signs will be taking us so do try to get there on time so you can find us!  If we haven’t met before I’m short with pink hair so usually easy to spot.

As ever the direction and pace of our wanders will be decided collectively by the group, and we will follow The LRM code: take care of yourself, each other and the environment and don’t be an arse.  After about 90 – 120 minutes we will find somewhere for refreshments, map making and story swapping.

We always welcome ideas for loiters whether from new faces or more familiar friends, so please do get in touch with any places or themes you think we could explore.
If you have any questions, comments, access needs or just want to meet before the start on Sunday you can contact The LRM any of these ways:
x/twitter @thelrm
facebook “the loiterers resistance movement”
text or whatsapp 07974929589
We really hope to see you on the streets soon
With love and golden apples
Morag xx

June 2024 First Sunday

Dear friends, comrades and lovely loiterers

Wow – its First Sunday again this Sunday, time really does seem to be whizzing by at the moment.

We’ve had requests for more water, more tram stops and  an exploration of the developments around the Etihad campus and so this First Sunday we will combine them all…

Lets meet 2pm Sunday 2nd June at New Islington Tram Stop. We’ll follow the canal towpath up to the Co-op Live building and then see where the drift takes us….  There aren’t any major sporting events scheduled but loiterers are warned Coldplay are in the vicinity.

As ever the direction and pace will be set collectively (if folk aren’t feeling it we can wander away from the canal). Wherever we go will will walk for around 90-120 minutes and then find somewhere for a drink and a chat.

All are very welcome to join us, because these streets belong to everyone and we believe in the power of walking them together.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions, comments or ideas for future First Sundays. Email mlrose@thelrm.orgtext/whatsapp 07974929589 x @thelrm or comment on the facebook group “the loiterers resistance movement”

I hope to loiter with you soon

With love and golden apples

Morag xx

PS Manchester Histories Festival is back 6-9thJune and as ever lots of interesting stuff. Thanks to spooky loiterer par excellence Julian I’ll be part of a panel on paranormal Manchester on Saturday afternoon: do share other highlights here too.

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