It’s First Sunday, this Sunday and so time to loiter.
This month we are doing something new, returning to a spot we last visited in very different circumstances. For reasons I hope you understand we are taking the exceptional step of asking people to register in advance of the in-person walk, and the remote option will be asynchronous with a zoom call later in the week.
Friend of The LRM Dan Dubowitz has invited us to join him exploring the old Mayfield railway station site. The site is just on the cusp of major change so this opportunity felt too good not to share, plus I know many of us have admired Dan’s previous work, including the Ancoats Peeps. I’ve been working with Dan recently and Mayfield is a fascinating area and it will be wonderful to explore with loiterers.
As ever LRM First Sundays are free for everyone but for safety and security reasons we need to limit numbers, so please book a free ticket if you are coming for a wander at 2pm Sunday 6th February. The exploration will be convivial, self-guided and at participants pace. Afterwards we will gather for a blether and beverage.
The booking link is here:
We would appreciate it if you only register if you are genuinely intending to come and can arrive promptly at 2pm (we do realise last minute changes can happen) I will contact everyone on Saturday afternoon to confirm if you have a place and also to provide full details of the meeting place. There is a lift up to the platform, and some slippery and uneven surfaces; if you have any specific access issues please get in touch. We ask everyone to take good care of and respect, themselves, each other and their environment: basically don’t be an arse.
For Loiterers outside or unable to join us in Manchester I will also share some walking prompts for you to use wherever, however and wherever you wish on Sunday morning. There won’t be a live whatsapp chat because of the time difference, but I would love it if anyone uses the prompts share’s any photos with The LRM. I’ve also set up a zoom call, 6pm GMT on Tuesday 8th February for anyone that wants that connection Meeting ID: 931 0921 9076 Passcode: @BV*YW.9
I hope to see you on the streets, screen or platforms soon. If you have any questions, comments or ideas for future First Sundays please get in touch as conversation is always welcome. You can email tweet @thelrm or text/whatsapp 07974929589. There is also a facebook group “the loiterers resistance movement”
Love and golden apples
PS Loiterers may also be interested in submitting an idea to the #WalkCreate The WalkBook: Recipes for Walking and WellBeing. Deadline is noon on 21st February and a £200 fee will be paid for successful recipes.