Heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to Loitering With Intent. Life and Big Bad Reality have stopped me from pausing to contemplate and say thus sooner but with a couple of weeks distance I can see what a truly wonderful unique exhibition/festival/shenanigan it was. It would not have been possible without the participation of so many wonderful wanderers, artists, mischief makers and everyday geniuses. My love and cheers to all, and hopes we can can loiter together again someday. Special thanks to John Hawes, Dale Meakin, Jane Samuels and People's History Museum for walking the extra mile and being loiterers of distinction.
And of course, this isn't the an ending.... The LRM will continue to gather together for our monthly First Sunday derives. The next one will be November 6th, starting 2pm outside Home Arts Centre on Tony Wilson Place. We will go for a wander and see where we end up. All very welcome to join us. There are still 6 LoneLady tokens to be found too....