

The Loiterers Resistance Movement

First Sunday March 2023

Dear friends,

It’s First Sunday This Sunday and so time for a loiter. Join us 2pm this Sunday, 5th March, outside the entrance to MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) on Liverpool Road. Taking inspiration from the worlds of science and magic we will wander together and speak to the streets. It’s also officially Spring so I am sure there will be some natural wonders to observe as well.

If you have any questions, or particular access requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We can also facilitate remote participation if you would like to join us online. Please email tweet @thelrm or call / text 07974929589

As ever this event is free and open to anyone who wants to join in. LRM walks last around 2 hours with the pace and direction set collectively, afterwards those who wish are welcome to stay for a drink. and chat.

April’s derive will be more suburban in feel, and then after that I am hoping some of the fabulous ideas folk have mentioned will manifest. We don’t really have rules here except take care of each other and our environment and don’t be an arse. And remember we are interested in creative walking and psychogeography (whatever that means these days) rather than tourist trails and conventional narratives. Please do share your starting points and wander ideas, I am delighted at the prospect of new communal paths…..

With love and golden apples


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